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03/09/18 JR -- VeraFlo wound vac - Dakins solution

From: Jerry Robinson Pharm.D.
To: Pharmacists
Sent: Wednesday, March 7, 2018 3:06:17 PM
Subject: VeraFlo wound vac - Dakins solution

If Dakin's solution is ordered for a VeraFlo wound vac system, pharmacy should dispense the Dakin's solution in the currently supplied bottles.  These likely will only be used in SICU or 4East.

The VeraFlo system has an irrigation setup that requires a certain size bottle [mouth of the bottle] for connection.  Nursing will be instructed to move the Dakin's into an appropriately size bottle that will accept the adapter that is supplied with the VeraFlo kit and to label that bottle appropriately.

A few facts I have learned about the VeraFlo VAC system:
- it provides debridement of the wound
- Normal Saline or Dakin's solution can be utilized
- often the CRNP/MD will order for continuous irrigation; at the bedside, the nurse will program a dwell time for the Dakin's or NS and then the system will vacuum out that volume - removing debris/secretions.

[I am not an expert on this vacuum system but will field any questions I receive to the product representative.]

Jerry Robinson, Pharm.D., BCPS
Clinical Specialist STICU/Co-Chairperson, Medication Safety Committee

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