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03/07/18 JE -- Outpatient Antibiotic Orders Clarification

From: Jonathan Edwards
To: Pharmacists
Sent: Wednesday, March 7, 2018 9:22:50 AM
Subject: Outpatient Antibiotic Orders Clarification
Attachment: IV Anti Infective Therapy ORBACTIV (Outpatient Medical) 11-22-16
IV Therapy Order Form Anti-Infective (Outpatient Medical) 08-17-17


It has been brought to my attention there may be some confusion regarding outpatient antibiotic orders from the ID physicians. 

The most common way outpatient antibiotic orders will be written are on the attached order forms to be sent to outpatient medical, but there is a potential the physician could write these orders on the green sheets in the medical record.  (They should title these orders as "Home Health Orders" or "Outpatient Antibiotic Orders.")  This most likely means the patient will be going home with home health.  There is a potential the HUA could enter, or have questions about these orders if they do not realize they are titled as "outpatient" orders.

Please do not enter or verify these orders as they are intended for outpatient use only. 

Let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,


Jonathan D. Edwards, Pharm. D., BCPS-AQ ID, BCGP
Pharmacy Specialist, Internal Medicine & Infectious Disease

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