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02/14/18 JR -- Warfarin monitoring form - changes

From: Jerry Robinson Pharm.D.
To: Pharmacists
Cc: Julie Crane
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2018 8:15:17 AM
Subject: Warfarin monitoring form - changes
Attachment: rev Initial Consultation Progress Note-Coumadin Clinic
Warfarin Inpatient Monitoring Form without CC references

The wafarin monitoring form has been updated to stream line information, make it more consistent with our other forms for data recording, and to provide information about how outpatient Coumadin consults should be handled.

Changes on form include:
- Removed height recording [removed from progress note as well - only change to progress note]
- Added information for Dose Response and Home regimen in a box format
- Added column for heparin/enoxaparin etc (SQ or IV anticoagulants)
- Added NOTE box reminding how HUA should handle outpatient Coumadin Clinic (CC) consult
- Removed First Heart CC telephone number and fax number
- Placed consultant MD at bottom of page with transcription number

If an order for Outpatient Coumadin is entered, you do not need to notify the Coumadin Clinic of the patient any longer.  They have a worklist similar to our worklist that is utilized.  If the patient is inpatient Coumadin management and Outpatient is being consulted, HUA should enter the order appropriately for Outpatient Coumadin consult and PKS only monitors inpatient.  No forms required to send to CC.

You may call/fax Coumadin Clinic with patient information if you feel it is needed.

Please send any questions to me.  Thanks.

Jerry Robinson, Pharm.D., BCPS
Clinical Specialist STICU/Co-Chairperson, Medication Safety Committee

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