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02/07/18 SP -- Above and Beyond Awards

From: Samantha Pelham  
Sent: 07 February, 2018 7:30 AM
To: Pharmacy
Subject: Above and Beyond Awards

Good morning!

We are excited to announce the revival of the medication safety “Catch of the Week” awards. In an effort to promote a culture of quality and near miss reporting, the awards have been renamed and have a new nominations process.

The “Above and Beyond” award recognizes Huntsville Hospital pharmacy team members who have intervened to prevent harm, or potential harm, to patients. Any pharmacy team member can nominate a fellow co-worker or be nominated. These nominations will be submitted via FormWEB. See attached screenshot for the link location and nomination form.

Stay tuned to hear about the great ways pharmacy staff contribute to the HH Health System mission, vision, and values. Thanks for all you do to keep our patients safe!

Samantha Rustamov, Pharm.D., BCPS
Supervisor, Pharmacy Professional Services

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