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01/29/18 DP -- UB Pharmacists and PKS Consults

From: Daniel Pearson
To: Pharmacists
Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 2:05:50 PM
Subject: UB Pharmacists and PKS Consults

Per last week's UB advisory meeting, there has been some confusion on the responsibility of the UB pharmacist and the swing shift pharmacist in regards to pharmacokinetic consults. To clarify, the UB pharmacist is responsible for entering the first dose and regimen for the patient for antibiotics and coumadins. The swing shift pharmacist is responsible for creating a folder for the patient and ensuring that the patient is added to the NSS/PKS database. In the event that the UB pharmacist is busy with other orders, the swing shift may enter the first dose and regimen for the patient but should call the UB pharmacist to let them know so that the patient does not end up with multiple orders and possibly receive extra doses of an antibiotic.


Daniel Pearson, Pharm.D.
PGY-1 Pharmacy Resident

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