Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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01/22/18 AW -- Admission reconciliation in HCS

From: April Williams
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2018 2:41:45 PM
Subject: Admission reconciliation in HCS

Hi all,

In reviewing our HCS admission reconciliation completion numbers, our pharmacists' 24-hour completion rates have dramatically declined over the previous two quarters (June thru December 2017). Our goal is to have 90% of all patients' admission reconciliations "completed" by a pharmacist within the first 24 hours of their hospital stay - we're currently at 62% "completed" for Oct/Nov/Dec, and we were only at 65% the previous quarter (Jul/Aug/Sept). Please remember to review your assigned med recs in HCS at least once (and ideally twice) during your shift, and mark them "complete" if appropriate. This will help improve our audit numbers, and will also help improve the quality and continuity of care provided to our patients.

A note about TOC:
TOC technicians are performing admission histories on most floor units at HHM and some units at W&C (with some additional coverage in the HHM ED as time allows) during day-shift hours (7a - 7p), Monday thru Friday; nursing remains responsible for all other medication histories. When an admission history is completed by a TOC technician or a floor/ICU nurse, it then appears on the pharmacist's med rec list in HCS for review and completion. Having said that, our technicians (and all nursing staff) are only marking the history as "completed" - reconciliation remains a clinical responsibility, and is still assigned to various pharmacist positions in HCS. I wanted to point out this clarification in case a misunderstanding in this area may be contributing to the above percentages.

As a side note/reminder, if a medication history has been completed by a TOC technician, if interested, you can view additional information about where they got their information, or discrepancies they questioned the patient about, etc. by looking under the "Interventions" tab in HCS, and clicking on any "TOC Admit" notes. Additionally, our TOC technicians should always be available in Aionex if you need to speak with them directly for any reason.

Please let me know if I can help in any way or answer any questions.

Thank you,

April Williams, Pharm.D., BCPS
Supervisor, Transitions of Care

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