Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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01/22/18 DP -- Insulin/Sulfonylurea Sentri 7

From: Nellie McKee
Daniel Pearson
Monday, January 22, 2018 1:03:15 PM
Re: Insulin/Sulfonylurea Sentri 7

Of note, some may actually coincide w/ tube feed schedules so be cognizant of that.



From: Daniel Pearson
To: Pharmacists
Sent: Monday, January 22, 2018 8:33:47 AM
Subject: Insulin/Sulfonylurea Sentri 7
Attachment: Insulin-Sulfonylurea Scheduling

Good Morning Pharmacists,

We wanted to make you all aware of a new Sentri 7 rule, the Insulin/Sulfonylurea Scheduling rule, that will be implemented starting TOMORROW.
  • What you need to know:

    1. This rule will be located under the Critical Tab in Sentri 7.

    2. Patients that are prescribed NPH, mixed insulins (70/30 etc.) or sulfonylureas and not scheduled with or prior to meals will flag in Sentri 7.

  • What you need to do:

    1. Review this tab once per shift.

    2. When a patient flags in Sentri 7, the pharmacist should automatically change the schedule of the medication to be given prior to meals or with meals.

  • Background:

    1. Based on the pharmacology and manufacturer package insert recommendations of these medications (sulfonylureas, mixed insulins), patients should be taking them prior to meals in order to receive the full benefits of the drug and to minimize adverse drug events.

    2. 90 day review showed that 66% of the mixed insulin and sulfonylurea orders are being scheduled at non-meal times.

    3. The P & T Committee has already granted pharmacy the ability to make this automatic schedule adjustment so you do not need to notify a physician. 

Have a great week!

Daniel Pearson, Pharm.D.
PGY-1 Pharmacy Resident

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