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01/18/18 KV -- Alaris go live for NICU/PICU on 1/23

From: Katie Vandiver
To: Pharmacy HHWC
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2018 4:06:55 PM
Subject: Alaris go live for NICU/PICU on 1/23
Attachment: Infusion pump changes for NICU and PICU

On Tues, Jan 23, NICU and PICU will both be going live with new Alaris pumps and syringe modules.  For NICU, Alaris pumps and syringe modules are brand new.  PICU has been using Alaris pumps on a limited basis, but the syringe modules will be new to them.  Please see the attachment for additional pharmacist education.

On go-live day (Tues, Jan 23)...
  • TPNs and lipids need to be delivered to the NICU as soon as possible.  The lipids can be delivered early even if the TPNs are not ready yet.

  • RNs will resupply meds as needed when they are ready to convert a patient from current pump to Alaris pump.  Please ensure these are prepared and tubed or delivered in a timely manner.

Please note that we may see additional resupplies for syringes in the coming weeks as RNs become comfortable attaching syringes to a new pump.  It is easy to accidentally press the plunger and lose drug volume with these pumps.  This should improve with time.

Please let me, Patrick or Amanda know if you have any questions related to this transition.


Kathryn Vandiver, Pharm.D.
Women and Children Pharmacy Supervisor

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