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12/22/17 DC -- NS large volume shortage/outage

From: David Collette
To: Pharmacy
Sent: Friday, December 22, 2017 10:18:43 AM
Subject: NS large volume shortage/outage - PLEASE READ

It is very possible that we will run out of NS large volume bags (500 and 1,000 mLs) before the end of the Christmas holiday.

We have reasonable supplies of LR and 1/2 NS 1,000 mL and, if we deplete our supply of NS 1,000 mL, will interchange them (generally) as follows:

    * serum sodium up to approximately 141 mEq/L at time of interchange = LR
    * serum sodium 142+ mEq/L at time of interchange = 1/2 NS

There are several steps we can all take NOW to preserve our NS supply as long as possible:

    * run IVs at the lowest rate that is appropriate for the patient
    * stop IVs and saline-lok when no longer needed - push oral fluids where appropriate
    * use LR in place of NS (EDs are already doing this)

We appreciate everyone's assistance as we try to preserve our dwindling supply of this important fluid. DAVID
David R. Collette, Pharm.D., FASHP
Operations Manager, Professional Services

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