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12/07/17 BG -- ePHEDrine SYRINGE shortage

From: Becky Ginn
Sent: Thursday, December 7, 2017 12:03:00 PM
Subject: ePHEDrine SYRINGE shortage

Our supplier of several drugs in syringes (PharMEDium) has had numerous production issues and is currently unable to supply multiple syringes. We have essentially exhausted our supply of ePHEDrine 25 mg/5 mL syringes in the central pharmacies (Main and HHWC). Some of the Pyxis machines and A-Systems are beginning to stock out.

We do have ePHEDrine 50 mg/mL vials/ampules loaded in the affected Pyxis machines and A-systems as a backup. Please forward this information to those who need to know and remind them of this MAJOR CONCENTRATION DIFFERENCE (50 mg/mL for the amps as opposed to the 5 mg/mL syringes they are used to, a ten-fold difference).

Additionally, any item that we receive from PharMEDium is at risk for running short due to their production issues. We are monitoring this situation and will inform you of future impacts.

Again, please forward this e-mail to others in your dept that may need to know.

Becky Ginn, Pharm.D.
Huntsville Hospital

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