Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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11/08/2016 CP -- New process for PSP prepared products for OR

From: Chris Pamperin

To: Pharmacy

As you know we have been having issues with PSP prepared products going to procedural areas. In an attempt to streamline this process we are adjusting the way many of these product are handled. The attached document gives more specifics about where each product is stored, delivered, outdated and which who is responsible (central or PSP) for which products.

For PSP, more products will now be on a carousel count and PSP will utilize the printer and scanner outside the cleanroom. After preparation, the nitroglycerin syringes, insulin syringes, amicar, tranexamic acid and precedex syringes will be added to the count in PSP by the M3. The meds will remain in the PSP refrigerator. Labels for these meds will print off on a batch for pyxis refill at 10:30 AM. The meds will be pulled and checked by PSP, then taken to central pharmacy for delivery. All are refrigerated products and need to be delivered in a timely manner. Any time these drugs are pulled (i.e. nitroglycerin for cath lab) they must be picked from the PSP carousel.

Vein bath, heparin 30,000 units/1 L, phenylephrine 20 mg/250 mL and joint cocktail will be fully managed by PSP. The expiration date for the heparin and phenylephrine is now 30 hours, so any unused product from the day before will have to be outdated each day. Christina has built an outdate report that comes to the PSP resupply printer each evening at 8PM. This can be placed in the midnights folder in PSP as a reminder to check each pyxis machine. The stock out labels for these drugs will also come to the PSP printer.

The min/max counts in pyxis and the carousel should not be adjusted without approval from Andrea, Daphne or myself.

Starting today, all of this is live including the batch printing in PSP. Please do not hesitate to ask me any questions you may have about this or any issues that arise, thanks




PSP prepared products for OR educational handout

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