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11/21/17 AA -- MBP change to IV syringes -- Sentri7 Rule Notes

From: Aaron Atkins
Sent: 21 November, 2017 1:31 PM
To: Pharmacy
Subject: RE: MBP change to IV syringes - today!

A Sentri7 rule titled “IVPBs Changing to Syringe” has been created under the “Drug Shortage Management” tab to assist with identifying patients to be modified.

Important Note: This Senrtri7 tab will behave a differently from past backorder rules.  When you change the order to an IV Syringe instead of IVPB, the patient will still qualify for the rule.  So, we are asking that you use the “Review” process for the line item in Sentri7 following re-entry so that they can be identified as completed.

As always, thank you for your assistance in addressing this backorder issue.

Aaron B. Atkins, Pharm.D., BCPS
Clinical Pharmacist, Informatics Lead

Example of Old (IVPB):
HTML5 Icon

New IV Syringe:
HTML5 Icon

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