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11/21/17 BS -- MBP change to IV syringes - today!

From: Berkley Sykes 
Sent: 21 November, 2017 1:01 PM
To: Pharmacy
Subject: MBP change to IV syringes - today!
Importance: High
Attachment: IV Push Syringes -- Flyer

Effective today!

Nursing has agreed to give some of the MBP drugs as syringes to help reduce our dependence on MBP bags. They will prepare the syringes and run them either on the IV pump or give them as IV push. This includes all of Main and MH, plus the adult units at W/C. Peds will go live on 12/7.

Please see the attached flier for the list of drugs plus the instructions.


1) All are reconstituted with 10 mL of STERILE WATER.
2) Give on the pump as a secondary over 10 minutes OR give as IV push over 5 minutes.
3) Vials will be loaded in Pyxis as needed. 
4) Syringes may be labeled with Pyxis produced label.
5) Ertapenem cannot be given IV pump or push in pediatric patients.

Orders will need to be re-entered as soon as these changes are moved into production in iCare. Aaron will make this request of you once the change is complete.

Please let us know if you have any issues at all!

Thank you all so much for your help!

Berkley Sykes, Pharm.D.
Pharmacy Manager - Sterile Products Services

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