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11/14/17 DC -- sodium bicarb for Code-0s

From: David Collette
To: Pharmacist
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 10:32:20 AM
Subject: sodium bicarb for Code-0s 

There will be a more complete memo coming out soon, but I wanted to communicate to everyone regarding the decisions of the P&T Committee (Oct 24) and the Medical Executive Committee (today) regarding sodium bicarbonate use in Code-0s. The P&T recommended that our current usage criteria (enacted at the beginning of the shortage) be continued. Today the Med Exec Committee concurred. I specifically asked if they were aware that sodium bicarb injection would not be in crash carts nor pharmacist code kits, and they said that they were fine with that. Just to reiterate, criteria for sodium bicarb injection use will continue to be as follows:

    * documented metabolic acidosis in critical care settings (this does NOT include Code-0s)
    * CV surgery
    * high-dose methotrexate
    * certain drug overdoses, including tricyclics and aspirin

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. DAVID
David R. Collette, Pharm.D., FASHP
Operations Manager, Professional Services Huntsville Hospital Department of Pharmacy

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