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11/03/17 BS -- Mini-bag Plus fluid changes

From: Berkley Sykes
Sent: 03 November, 2017 3:20 PM
To: Pharmacy
Subject: Mini-bag Plus fluid changes

Monday 11/6:
To conserve and make better use of our remaining MBP bags, we'll make changes in Pyxis that will allow for either NS or D5W to be used. This will be a cumbersome process and will involve a lot of work to load and unload products, make numerous Pyxis and iCare changes, and re-entering of multiple orders. We'll keep you updated on the progress and will be asking for your help to change orders and to let us know if Pyxis or orders don't work as expected.

Main and W/C - profile Pyxis:
All MBP bag pockets may contain NS or D5W.
EXCEPTION: Meropenem and ertapenem are NS only and will be distributed by PSP or W/C pharmacy.

Main and W/C - non-profile Pyxis (OR/ED/etc):
Items previously in NS will remain so. 
Meropenem and ertapenem will remain in Pyxis.

Madison - all Pyxis:
NS and D5W will be loaded in separate pockets at this time. 

When the shortage is over, we will return to normal. This is temporary. Please help nursing as needed... David is sending messages to them and a Pyxis pop-up will inform them, but they may have questions. 

Thank you all for your work and patience with this terrible shortage! 

Berkley Sykes, Pharm.D.
Pharmacy Manager - Sterile Products Services

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