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11/03/17 DC -- IV piggyback update/change

From: David Collette
Sent: 03 November, 2017 2:31 PM
To: Pharmacy
Subject: IV piggyback update/change

The following announcement was just uploaded to Pulse; additionally, an email was sent to all nurse managers, charge nurses, and physicians. You may get some questions or comments, including concern from nursing that two different fluids are stocked in the same pocket. Also, be sure to watch for orders from physicians that contain a specific fluid (which will hopefully be rare). Thanks for all you do, especially as we cope with this pervasive shortage!

The IV piggyback shortage continues with no resolution in sight. Effective immediately, Pharmacy will begin supplying compatible antibiotics in whatever fluid - D5W or NS - is most readily available. This means that you may find both D5W and NS in the same Pyxis drawer. If this is the case, you may use either product as diluent for the drug. If a particular patient requires a fluid that is not available (e.g., NS for a diabetic patient), you may contact Pharmacy Sterile Products (58286) to request a specific fluid.
David R. Collette, Pharm.D., FASHP
Operations Manager, Professional Services

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