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11/02/17 JR -- Adult electrolyte protocol - Phosphorus changes

From: Jerry Robinson
To: Pharmacists, Clinical Nurse Specialists, Charge Nurses, Nurse Managers
Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2017 3:40:57 PM
Subject: Adult electrolyte protocol - Phosphorus changes
Attachment: Adult Electrolyte Protocol Poster -- Sept 2017

I am providing the education piece that should appear as a PULSE page announcement today or tomorrow.

Three changes have occurred to the ADULT Electrolyte Protocol that are highlighted on the attached document which is linked here:

Adult Electrolyte Protocol changes sept 2017 POSTER

Why the changes:
    * The phosphorus infusion has slowed due to decrease efficacy in the previous rate change that occurred in April versus the older electrolyte protocol.
    * For patient's weighing less than 40 kg, pharmacist will have the option to adjust the dose to avoid potential issues.
    * Issues with potassium infusions being delayed waiting on magnesium level to result had been reported. Wording change was made 2 weeks ago to the Potassium-Magnesium order set.

Only the Phosphorus-Calcium order page was changed today; new protocols for Phosphorus-Calcium dated 11/2 need to be used. Wording change to the Potassium-Magnesium order set were made 2 weeks ago.

Let me know if any issues or questions.


Jerry Robinson, Pharm.D., BCPS
Clinical Specialist STICU/Co-Chairperson, Medication Safety Committee Department of Pharmacy Huntsville Hospital

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