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10/21/17 BG -- dextrose 50% (25 g) 50 mL emergency syringes - almost out of stock!

From: Becky Ginn  
Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2017 10:50 AM
To: Pharmacy Department
Subject: dextrose 50% (25 g) 50 mL emergency syringes - almost out of stock!
Importance: High
Attachment: dextrose vial 50 mL kit to make syringe

Due to the ongoing backorder of dextrose 50% (25 g) 50 mL emergency syringes (blue box), we are going to prepare a 'kit' to refill/load in place of the blue boxed syringes. While this is not ideal, we feel it is a better solution than having a mixture of the blue boxed syringes and the refrigerated PSP-prepared syringes. Currently Main only has 21 blue boxed syringes and HHWC only has 8.

Fortunately, we currently have a significant stock of the dextrose 50 mL vials (same concentration as the emergency syringes) so that we can make a "kit" of:
1 dextrose 50% 50 mL vial
1 60 mL syringe
1 16G needle
1 alcohol swab.
**Each bag will be labeled with a barcode to allow scanning on refill/load** (template attached)

This kit will allow the nurse to pull up the needed dose. These kits will be refilled into the dextrose 50 mL syringe pockets in Pyxis.

Let me know if you have questions.

Becky Ginn, Pharm.D.
Huntsville Hospital

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