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10/16/17 DC -- Emend shortage

From: David Collette  
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2017 10:00 AM
To: Pharmacy
Subject: Emend shortage

Unfortunately, there is another important drug shortage to share...EMEND (aprepitant PO and fosaprepitant IV). The following e-mail went out to surgery leadership and all surgeons this morning:

Due to a manufacturing shortage, we are essentially out of Emend 40 mg capsules. Our wholesaler is also out of the 125 mg capsules, has 10 of the 80 mg capsules, and a limited supply of the injectable formulation.

It will be necessary to select an alternate product for prevention of post-op N/V (PONV) during this shortage. We will have a limited supply of the injectable product available for chemo-inducted N/V (CINV); otherwise, please reserve the use of the injectable product for CINV and highly-emetogenic surgeries, such as abdominal and GYN-related procedures. When indicated, the adult dose of the injectable product is 150 mg.

As soon as this shortage has resolved, we will update you.

David R. Collette, Pharm.D., FASHP
Operations Manager, Professional Services

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