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10/12/17 BS -- piperacillin-tazobactam (Zosyn) change and fluid backorder situation 12oct17

From: Berkley Sykes  
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2017 1:52 PM
To: Pharmacy
Subject: ZOSYN change and fluid backorder situation
Importance: High

ZOSYN 3.375 g/NS 100 mL mini-bag plus (MBP) has been changed to ADD-Vantage vials and bags in iCare and all Pyxis machines at HHM, HHWC, and MH. 

Main second shift pharmacists: Please re-enter the iCare orders for all of your existing ZOSYN 3.375 g patients at some point tonight. 

Madison will complete this task by tomorrow. 

W/C is complete. 

This is the first of potentially several changes that will help us to conserve our existing MBP stock. The Baxter facility that produces both MBP and regular fluid bags is located in Puerto Rico and has been adversely affected by Hurricane Maria. We are starting to run out of some fluids and we expect this to worsen over the next few weeks. We have not been provided a timeline for improved supply.

In the meantime, we will be changing some of our high usage MBP items to ADD-Vantage, as well as switching some fluids to D5W instead of the standard NS. 

Thank you for your help with this, and please let us know if you encounter problems or have questions. 

Berkley Sykes, Pharm.D.
Pharmacy Manager - Sterile Products Services

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