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10/12/17 CP -- On-Q pump pilot

From: Aaron Atkins 
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2017 8:29 AM
To: 'Pharmacy Department'
Subject: RE: On-Q pump pilot

A few notes to add:
  1. These pumps will currently only be started in the OR.  The medication will be charged when the pump is removed from a Non-Profile device.

  1. Orders for these pumps will be written as they are not part of any order set at this time.

  1. Since the use of this pump continues while the patient is on the floor and at discharge, there is a dummy drug which will move today which has been built for documentation purposes on the active medication list.  This dummy drug will behave the same as the current electrolyte protocol dummy drugs with a ONCE order that will not be charted against (and so will not fall off profile).  This dummy drug should be entered by Pharmacy and can be found under the NSS/PKS button and titled "ropivacaine-pf 0.2% 750 mL (On-Q Pump)."  Of note, initial pump rate and adjustments will NOT be recorded in iCare at this time.

Please let me know if you have any questions/concerns.  Thank you.

Aaron B. Atkins, Pharm.D., BCPS
Clinical Pharmacist, Informatics Lead

From: Chris Pamperin
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2017 9:43 AM
To: Pharmacy Department
Subject: On-Q pump pilot

Starting Oct 16th Dr. Maples and Dr. Su will be starting a pilot of On-Q pumps for patients undergoing TKA. The pumps will contain 0.2% ropivacaine 750 mL in an elastomeric pump that infuses continuously into the perineural/periarticular space. The pump will be prepared in PSP and the infusion started in the OR. It can run at a rate of 0-14 mL/hr. It will run on the patient when they get to the floor and will continue to run after the patient will be is discharged. The idea is to see the possibility of discharging TKA patients POD#1 instead of POD#3. The intent is for these orders to be entered and verified in iCare, but there are still some details to be ironed out there.

If you would like to see what the pumps look like or how they function, feel free to let me know or come by PSP. Thanks

Chris Pamperin, Pharm.D.
Pharmacy Sterile Products Supervisor

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