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10/05/17 BG -- nystatin (Mycostatin) TOPICAL powder 15 g bottle - BULK DISPENSE

From: Becky Ginn 
Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2017 8:31 AM
To: Pharmacy Department
Subject: nystatin (MYCOSTATIN) TOPICAL powder 15 g bottle - BULK DISPENSE


Beginning today......we will no longer LOAD 26521 - nystatin (Mycostatin) 100,000 units/g TOPICAL powder 15 g bottle into Pyxis (EXCEPTIONS: HOSPICE Pyxis and MAD_AFTERHRS Pyxis). We are currently in the process of unloading stock from Pyxis machines at all THREE CAMPUSES. This medication will be BLOCKED as a loadable item from all Pyxis machines (EXCEPT: HOSPICE and MAD_AFTERHRS).

All orders for this product will be fulfilled like any other BULK medication....we will send the initial bottle to the patient, and we will provide additional bottles if resupplied by the nurse.

The reason for doing this is multiple reports of nursing removing a bottle for each application (often every 6 hours)....then the patient will end up with a dozen or more bottles at bedside! This approach should prevent this waste.

Please let me, or your supervisor, know if you have any questions about this new approach.

Thx. Becky


Becky Ginn, Pharm.D.
Huntsville Hospital

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