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09/18/17 AW -- MRL Addendum Forms go live tomorrow 9/19

From: April Williams
To: Pharmacists
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2017 3:11:37 PM
Subject: MRL Addendum Forms go live tomorrow 9/19
Attachment: Medication Reconciliation List (MRL) Addendum


This is a reminder that our MRL Addendum forms are scheduled to go live tomorrow 9/19.  You may triage and either send these to the TOC work queue to be addressed (during TOC hours) by a TOC pharmacist, or you may address/process them yourself if needed/preferred.  Our current TOC hours for these forms are M-F 7a-4:30p.  Again, these are communication forms that our technicians will use to communicate to our pharmacists any med history changes/updates that fall within the categories listed on the form.  Therefore, you should only see these forms on our current TOC live units.

As stated in the education sessions, this will hopefully streamline our technicians' workflow, while also decreasing the volume of calls/visits to second shift UB pharmacists.  As this process rolls out, I would welcome any feedback that you may have concerning workflow associated with this form.

Thank you,

April Williams, Pharm.D., BCPS
Supervisor, Transitions of Care

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