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09/15/17 CP -- Adult Standard IV Concentrations

From: Chris Pamperin
To: Pharmacists
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2017 1:11:39 PM
Subject: Adult Standard IV Concentrations

We are in the process of changing some of the adult standard IV concentrations.

UB's/clincial specialists: After 1200 on Tuesday September 19th any current orders for amiodarone, Nimbex, labetalol, Lasix and morphine need to be adjusted to the new standard concentrations as the infusion pumps will also be updated that day. There will be a Sentri-7 rule identifying these patients in the IV Room/Central tab. The orders will need to be discontinued and re-entered (not modified). I'll send a reminder out Tuesday morning.

The following will be the new concentrations:

  • amiodarone 360 mg/200 mL (premade- will be loaded in select Pyxis machines-mostly ICUs/ED and cardiac units, still requires 0.2 micron filter)
  • cisatracurium 200 mg/100 mL with 500 mg/100 mL alternate dilution
  • Dilaudid - adding alternate dilution of 250 mg/250 mL
  • furosemide 200 mg/100 mL NS
  • labetalol 1000 mg/200 mL
  • LORazepam 50 mg/50 mL will be the standard with 25 mg in 250 mL as alternate
  • morphine 50 mg/50 mL alternate dilutions of 50 mg/100 mL and 100 mg/100 mL

Let me or Michele Durda know of any questions, thanks

Chris Pamperin, Pharm.D.
Pharmacy Sterile Products Supervisor

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