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09/14/17 DC -- fentaNYL shortage (for drips)

From: David Collette
To: Pharmacists
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2017 10:43:27 AM
Subject: fentaNYL shortage (for drips)

The e-mail below just went out to the medical staff. Please do not verify orders for a fentaNYL drip ; work with the prescriber to use an alternate product (most likely, morphine) at the appropriate dose/rate. We do have some fentaNYL 100 mcg/2mL amps that can still be used for IV push doses, if needed.

We have just been alerted that fentaNYL vials (used to make fentaNYL drips) are on indefinite backorder. Effective immediately, we are unable to supply fentaNYL drips. The most reasonable alternative appears to be a morphine drip. If you have questions or concerns regarding using a morphine drip for a patient that would have otherwise received a fentaNYL drip, please contact a pharmacist.

P.S. - We have other news regarding shortages, both good and bad. Pantoprazole (Protonix) IV is now available and can be ordered as needed. However, the sodium bicarb IV shortage continues. Please continue to observe the restrictions on IV bicarb as approved by HH Medical Staff leadership, including not using this drug in Code-0 situations. DAVID

David R. Collette, Pharm.D., FASHP
Operations Manager, Professional Services

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