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09/13/17 DC -- listening sessions

From: David Collette
To: Pharmacists
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 10:41:52 AM
Subject: listening sessions

As you have hopefully heard, we will be holding listening sessions regarding responses to the 2017 Employee Engagement survey. Representatives were chosen as randomly as possible, with, of course, deference to the schedule. Here are the pharmacists who will be participating in the sessions on Sept 13 or 21.There will be "open sessions" Oct 5 and 6 for anyone who was not invited to participate in one of these sessions, but would like to shares their opinions and ideas.

Please feel free to relay any comments you may have about the work environment in HH Pharmacy:

    * Chris Kreider
    * Katie Sims
    * Jill Shelton
    * Mike Weaver
    * Jerry Robinson
    * Aaron Atkins
    * Sara Jones
    * Jonathan Edwards
    * Steve McDonald
    * Jennifer Herring
    * David McLellan
    * Sharon Baty
    * Laura Perry
    * Melanie Jones
    * Damon Dees
    * Travis Ball
    * Mickala Thompson
    * Jonathan Spry

David R. Collette, Pharm.D., FASHP
Operations Manager, Professional Services Huntsville Hospital Department of Pharmacy


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