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09/12/17 DC -- United Way 2018

From: David Collette 
To: Pharmacy
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2017 8:25 AM
Subject: United Way 2018
Importance: High

The 2018 United Way campaign is underway. Information packets, including community investment forms, will be placed in your mailboxes soon. This year's campaign is short, so please complete your form and return to me or drop in the Pharmacy Admin box in central by next Thursday, September 21. Even if you choose not to donate, I need all forms back by this deadline.

During the campaign, I thought it would be a good idea to periodically spotlight a few United Way agencies to show how your donations impact our community. Watch for emails detailing how United Way strives to improve the education level, financial stability, and health of our community.

I invite each of you to join me in supporting United Way this year. Your donations stay here in our community to help those most in need. Additionally, all donors are eligible for some great prizes, including gift certificates, Yeti products, and even a pair of Iron Bowl tickets.

Let's LIVE UNITED and be a part of the solution in our community! DAVID

David R. Collette, Pharm.D., FASHP
Operations Manager, Professional Services

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