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08/30/17 CP -- erythromycin injection backorder

From: Chris Pamperin
To: Pharmacists
Sent: Wednesday, August 30, 2017 3:32:51 PM
Subject: erythromycin injection backorder

Erythromycin IV is on backorder again. We have about 20 vials left on hand. See below from recommendations from Richard from last erythromycin backorder:

All, unfortunately there are not many good alternatives for IV erythromycin for GI motility,
- metoclopramide is the main other option available
- if the patient can take oral they can take erythromycin tablets, there is also a liquid form
- there is some very limited data showing that IV azithromycin may be as effective as erythromycin
- Domperidone is not FDA approved and P and T has stated it should not be used here.
- Oral cisparide is available only as a last resort under very cumbersome REMS program.

Let me know of any questions, thanks 

Chris Pamperin, Pharm.D.
Pharmacy Sterile Products Supervisor

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