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08/17/17 TB -- Samsca update in iCare


When SAMSCA is now ordered, a dummy drug called “*samsca ordered” will be placed on the medication profile in addition to the tolvaptan med order. This dummy med will remain on the profile for at least 24 hours and will trigger a therapeutic duplication alert with orders placed for 3% saline.


One-time orders are removed from the medication profile by the iCare billing program once the RN charts against the order. Once it has been removed, it will not be available for Interaction/Duplication/Allergy checking. Since SAMSCA has a rather long time to max therapeutic effect, it’s possible that an order could be placed for 3% saline without the pharmacist being made aware that the patient recently received SAMSCA. The dummy drug will ensure that an alert will trigger for the pharmacist, without affecting the charting/billing of the original medication order.



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