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08/15/17 DC -- sodium phosphate backorder update

From: David Collette
To: Pharmacists
Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2017 10:18:17 AM
Subject: Na Phos

Our sodium phosphate supply has continued to dwindle and now we will have to take more drastic steps to preserve it for our neonatal population.

Beginning now, please bolus hypophosphatemic patients with POTASSIUM phosphate only and use only the minimal effective dose. Sodium phosphate will be reserved for our neonatal patients. If the adult patients are unable to tolerate the potassium load, we will have to allow their phos to run low and not advance the TPN until it is able to be corrected. Additionally, in all possible cases, sodium phos should be removed from all adult TPNs and replaced with KPhos.

Thanks for your prompt attention to this matter - we will keep you updated as the shortage evolves. DAVID


David R. Collette, Pharm.D., FASHP
Operations Manager, Professional Services Huntsville Hospital

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