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08/10/17 CP -- sodium phosphate backorder

From: David Collette
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 1:24:27 PM
Subject: Sodium phos - please read ASAP

As you can see from the e-mail below, we have a critical shortage of injectable sodium phosphate. Please remove all sodium phos from all adult TPNs so that we can reserve it for neonates. Obviously, the K Phos will be used up quickly, so please limit your use of KPhos to those patients with a CRITICAL phosphate level. You can give phos via the enteral route as necessary.



From: Chris Pamperin
To: Pharmacy Backorder Committee
Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 11:12:45 AM
Subject: sodium phos

Looks like we have about 10-14 day supply of sodium phos on hand and uncertain if we will get any more direct. Potassium phos is also in short supply, but Keith was able to order some 15mL vials today. I'm going to email David to send out to the specialists to remove sodium phos from the TPNs starting tomorrow if ya'll are ok with that. It may be that we need to reserve some or most for neonates? I suspect our supply of potassium phos will go quickly if we don't convert a lot to PO....

Chris Pamperin, Pharm.D.
Pharmacy Sterile Products Supervisor

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