Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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08/09/17 AA -- NEW Phacts First Dose/NOW Interface

From: Aaron Atkins
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2017 4:06 PM
To: Pharmacy Department
Subject: NEW Phacts First Dose/NOW Interface

Effective TODAY at MAIN AND W&C first dose iCare orders (including NOWs and STATs) which are not loaded in the patient’s Pyxis device will be sent directly to the carousel to be picked instead of needing to manually create a pick for the item. 

Specifics of this new interface are listed below:

-Will exclude any order starting >2 hours.  OMNL bulletins from Pyxis will still print for these items. The console tech will still be responsible for pending these to Pyxis device as appropriate.

-Will exclude any “IV” Class

-Will exclude floorstock, bulk items (creams, inhalers), self-admin home meds, and orders for medications currently loaded in Pyxis.

-New Phacts-generated labels will be printing for these orders which will include patient details, order dose/route/frequency/comment, and start time for the order.  The standard label will read “First Dose” for the header, while NOW/STAT orders will have a header reading “NOW/STAT.”  Examples of each are included below.  iCare labels will continue to print as normal

General Workflow:

  1. Upon verification of an item that matches above criteria, an iCare label will print (as normal) and the first dose will be interfaced directly to the Carousel.
    1. For items in carousel formulary, the item will appear in the transaction queue to be picked.  This transaction will be processed as normal.
    2. An exception label will print automatically for the following cases
  1. Item does not exist in Carousel formulary or is currently inactive (ex. Controlled substances)
  2. An invalid quantity is provided to Pharmogistics.  This can occur if the order is for a fractional quantity to be dispensed or is not provided by the order at all.
  1. Console technician will pass all iCare printed labels to the Phacts carousel tech(s) who will match the printed Carousel label with the iCare label.
    1. If the matched Carousel label is an exceptions label listed above, this will be passed back to the console tech to manually pick the item.  The exception label is then discarded while the iCare label is supplied back to the carousel technician for labeling purposes.
  2. Carousel picked items will be bagged with Carousel label applied and iCare label flagged on the side.  This will be passed to pharmacist for verification who will remove the iCare label and dispense the dose with the NEW Phacts label.  

IMPORTANT: Per policy, only ONE label can be applied to a dose dispensed.  Do not dispense a bag with both Phacts and iCare patient-specific label present.

NOTE: The iCare label will still be used for all other items which are not included in this interface (ex. Bulk items will still have an iCare label dispensed.)


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Aaron B. Atkins, Pharm.D., BCPS
Clinical Pharmacist, Informatics Lead


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