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9/18/24 New Comma Phrase RE: Abx in HD
September 18, 2024

Good morning, 

A comma phrase was created to standardize wording for antimicrobial administration in dialysis patients receiving a daily or every 48 hour regimen. Please see specifics below:

,HD24 - Give every 24 hours. If day of dialysis, give after dialysis session.
,HD48 - Give every 48 hours. If day of dialysis, give after dialysis session.
Thank you,
Madeline Belk, PharmD, BCIDP
Pharmacy Specialist, Infectious Diseases
Antimicrobial Management Team (AMT)
PGY2 Infectious Diseases Residency Program Coordinator
Office: 256.265.0011 | Ascom: 256.817.4191 

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