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8/26/24 PharmNET: Odd Warning At Verification of Discontinue
August 26, 2024

I am resending out this message from a few years ago as we’ve had some recent reports of this recurring in PROD.  We believed this to be resolved for some time following a previous code level update, but it seems to have resurfaced.  Cerner is investigating, but I am doubtful this will be resolved soon.  Just wanted to let everyone be aware if you see this pop-up when verifying a discontinue.  Thank you.




If you are verifying in Cerner and the following prompt appears, please cancel out of the verification process and review all aspects of the order before completing the verification.  There are some circumstances where this prompt is a warning that certain elements of the order are not ‘retained’ when verifying (ex. Stop Date/Time).

PharmNet Error


We have opened a ticket with Cerner to work on a solution to this defect.  We are able to replicate this using a unique workflow shown below:


Circumstances to replicate:

  1. Enter a non-IV Set Antibiotic medication flagged for verification at discontinuation (ex. Vancomycin 1500 mg IVPB) directly into PharmNET.
  2. Discontinue the order in Powerchart with a future date and a time.
  3. Verify the discontinuation in PharmNET.  You will be presented with the above prompt and the discontinue date/time as well as the Antibiotic Reason will not be retained.  These will need to be re-entered.


Aaron B. Atkins, Pharm.D., BCPS
Clinical Pharmacist, Informatics Lead
Huntsville Hospital

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