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8/22/24 Request for Ideas from Huntsville for Pharmacy Cerner enhancement
August 22, 2024

Hey all,


Almost two years ago, we asked you for ideas to improve Cerner.  Some of these pharmacist ideas are still in active development (e.g. modifying start date/time after the time has passed), while others should be resolved with the coming Cerner upgrade (e.g. once orders no longer displaying as discontinued in MedManager prior to administration).


Attached is the final list we sent to Andrew today, and his response below.  I will try to follow-up with the pharmacists who requested items that we decided not to include.


Thank you all so much for helping us push for improvements to Oracle Cerner, and to our PharmIT and Med Safety team for their time and support reviewing the suggestions.


Keep on dreaming!




Joseph Ho, Pharm.D.
Clinical Pharmacist - Transitions of Care
Lead Pharmacist - Cerner Pharmacy Education
Huntsville Hospital
cell: 504-214-7705
office: 256-265-9854

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