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8/6/24 GMT-1 and PACU-1 PyxisES Devices: Removing Critical Override Mode Wed, Aug 7 at 6AM
August 6, 2024

GMT-1 and PACU-1 have been trialing profile status with their devices for a few months.  During this time, both of these devices have remained in Critical Override mode. 


After discussing with each area and creating a unique override group for them in Pyxis, we plan to remove this Critical Override mode status for both of these devices on Wednesday, August 7 at 6AM.


Each area is aware of this update and are educating their staff, but we wanted to let all Pharmacy staff know of the change in case you hear of any critical issues.

Aaron B. Atkins, Pharm.D., BCPS
Clinical Pharmacist, Informatics Lead
Huntsville Hospital

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