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07/19/17 AO -- Zarxio Outpatient Use update

From: Amanda Ouzts
To: Pharmacists
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2017 10:44:07 AM
Subject: Zarxio


I just wanted to let everyone know that by the end of the day today we will have replaced Neupogen in all of the outpatient medical Pyxis machines with Zarxio. Zarxio is a biosimilar to Neupogen and will now be the outpatient G-CSF workhorse. Granix will still be the inpatient G-CSF workhorse, and should still be used for all inpatient areas.

If you receive an order for Neupogen in one of the outpatient areas, please do not verify it as is. Zarxio is built in iCare and should be entered dose for dose instead of Neupogen. We will be working to get the Neupogen outpatient pathway to automatically interchange to Zarxio.

This new interchange does not apply to St. Jude outpatients, only adult outpatient areas.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Amanda Ouzts, Pharm.D., BCPS
Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Oncology  

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