Medications not yet evaluated by P&T are considered NON-FORMULARY . . . . . Always check 2 unique patient identifiers - NAME and DATE OF BIRTH - at every step! . . . . . Please be sure to document all clinical activities daily.

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8/1/24 Hazardous Medications Month
August 1, 2024

Hello all,
It's time again for our August hazardous medication review at HH Pharmacy. Please have the following CBL completed before 8/31.
Chemo & Hazardous Drug Competency Assessment CBL:  
E-PH5350724 (2024) Pharmacy Annual Chemotherapy and Hazardous Drug Competency Assessment
This CBL covers the medication management processes for hazardous medications throughout the HH pharmacy department and is intended as a review of standard operating procedures for all staff.  
Staff who routinely work in PSP will complete hazardous medication modules for sterile compounding areas in Compounding 360. A separate email will be sent with instructions. 
Medical Surveillance:  If you routinely handle or manipulate hazardous medications and want to monitor any potential exposure, complete your annual health questionnaire and go to Employee Health to complete your labs. Employee Health will start seeing you from August 1 - August 31 and they request that you have the questionnaire filled out prior to your arrival. This service is provided to you free of charge to monitor your personal safety.  This is not mandatory, but highly encouraged.
Thank you,
Hazardous Drug Questionnaire

Donna Huggins, RPh.
Manager - Pharmacy Sterile Products
Huntsville Hospital
Office - 256-265-6293
Cell - 662-871-2513

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