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7/2/24 PPM View Update For Pharmacists
July 2, 2024

Hey all,


As you are aware, since early 2023 there has been a flaw with Cerner PPM views where unverified orders are not properly displayed.  It tends to occur if you first log in and your initial view does not have any orders; then, if you switch views the code to refresh and display the proper work items doesn’t work.


The only resolution is to swap between views that have orders until the orders do load.  You can tell when orders are being loaded by the brief presence of a spinning circle, which should disappear once finished.


View without any orders


Brief appearance of a spinning circle when switching views shows orders are properly loading.  If you do not see this circle or see it disappear, swap back and forth between other views.



The good news: Cerner reports that this flaw should be resolved with our next code upgrade, scheduled for later this year.


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