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6/26/24 CathFlo Acute Shortage
June 26, 2024

[The following information has been recently communicated to nursing, procedural, and medical staff.
Our wholesaler is completely out of CathFlo, the product used to clear thrombosed central venous catheters. We have approximately 4 weeks supply on hand based on current usage. There are relatively few alternatives to this product and all are VERY expensive and essentially unavailable. At this time we are investigating other alternatives and encouraging judicious use of this product.]
We have approximately 2 weeks supply of CathFlo and PSP can make a freeze syringes from our remaining vials to buy us another 2 weeks. We are hopeful that the shortage will be resolved in the next month, but that is not guaranteed. We are NOT currently restricting the ordering of this product, but that may be necessary in the near future. We are also reviewing possible alternatives, including tenecteplase. More to come .



David R. Collette, Pharm.D., FASHP, FALSHP
Operations Manager, Professional Services
Huntsville Hospital Department of Pharmacy
101 Sivley Road, Huntsville, AL 35801
Desk: (256) 265-6741; Cell: (256) 527-2560

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