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6/12/24 Medication search reports in Cerner Discern Reporting Portal
June 12, 2024

Hey all,


A tip sheet on Cerner “medication search reports” is available at the following link:, and in the Master Cerner Tip sheet guide on FormWEB.


Have you ever wondered who was on a particular order in a given timeframe, how many patients are getting prescribed something, or what doses of a drug are being ordered?  These can be answered using the Cerner reports Med Search - PHR001 and HH - TOC Methotrexate, although both have limitations.  Feel free to play around with the reports, but please keep in mind it is best to start searches as narrowly as possible.


Big thanks to Erik Roberts, Marlon Chapman, and PharmIT for help with reporting and development of the tip sheet.


If you have questions about these reports, find the reports insufficient, or would like a demo, please contact PharmIT, me, or Erik and we will attempt to assist.



Joseph Ho, Pharm.D.
Clinical Pharmacist - Transitions of Care
Lead Pharmacist - Cerner Pharmacy Education
Huntsville Hospital
cell: 504-214-7705
office: 256-265-9854

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