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5/30/24 Uzedy - a new long-acting risperidone
May 30, 2024

Hi Folks,  we will soon start using Uzedy, a new long-acting risperidone injection that is given SUBCUTANEOUSLY.   We will be receiving Uzedy at no charge under a Teva Pharmaceuticals free dose program.   Here are some important facts to know prior to us starting to use it:
- Uzedy is designed for subcutaneous administration only.  Most of the other long acting injectable antipsychotics are given IM.   This is a potential error that nurses could make, and we are not sure of the pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics if given IM instead of SQ.     We are putting a bright colored sticker on the doses dispensed to the floor as a reminder for nurses  when preparing to administer the drug.   The BH nurses have also been educated on the use of this drug
- Uzedy is available in a pre-filled syringe with a shorter needle (that is used for SQ injections) relative to most other long-acting antipsychotic products. No reconstitution is needed.  The upper arm or abdomen are preferred administration sites.
- Uzedy is a duel release product, there is a loading dose for therapeutic effect on the short term, so there is no need for oral therapy at the start of Uzedy or bridging to the long-acting product, and there is a second phase drug release for long-term action.
- There are doses of one month and two month duration.  We are going to start with the 100 mg once monthly and the 200 mg once every two months regimens.  Both of these regimens are equivalent to giving 4 mg of oral risperidone daily (which is the most common oral  dosage used)
- Uzedy generally is stored in the refrigerator.  It is stable at room temperature for 90 days.  Therefore, in the pharmacy it will be stored in the refrigerator.  On the floor, where it should be stored for up to only a few days, it will be stored at room temperature.
- There is no limit of doses that inpatients can have per year with Uzedy, as there is with Invega Sustenna.   It would be our advantage to get "frequent flyers" on Uzedy instead of Invega Sustenna, since we have to purchase Invega Sustenna for the patients who receive over 2 doses annually.
- At HH, like the other long-acting anti-psychotic injections, Uzedy is required to be ordered by a psychiatrist, or have a psychiatry consult where the Uzedy dose  is recommended..
- Like other long acting antipsychotic injections, Uzedy doses need to be logged into our usage record with the designated information.   There is no serial number record requirement with Uzedy.   The following information should be recorded with each dose:  patient name, MRN, dose, .quantity, lot#, expiration date, prescriber, and pharmacist dispensing. 
- There is a simple Uzedy powerplan that mainly lists the dose ordered, to help inform people involved with transition of care of when the next dose will be needed.
-  Atter we start using Uzedy some, we will be eventually phasing out the use of Risperdal Consta (which we have to pay for).   
- Please let me know if you have any questions about this.   Thanks.  


Richard Cramer, Pharm. D., FASHP, FALSHP, BCGP
Drug Information Coordinator
Department of Pharmacy
Huntsville Hospital

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