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5/30/24 Main Campus only: minor update to Cerner Patient Lists
May 30, 2024

To prevent patients who aren’t in the hospital from appearing on Cerner Patient lists, an admission criteria has been applied to all of the following patient lists.  This should make Disaster, most Cath, etc. patients disappear and hopefully allow the lists and MPTL tabs to load faster.  In addition, we have added GMT units to Huntsville Main ALL and adjusted the name to Huntsville Main+GMT ALL Units


Please let us know if you encounter any issues with these changes.


  • Huntsville Main+GMT ALL Units
  • Ancillary Units (Main)
  • (HH Main) ED
  • (HH Main) ED {with NSS}
  • (HH Main) UB3
  • (HH Main) Weekend UB5



Many thanks,

Joseph Ho, Pharm.D.
Clinical Pharmacist - Transitions of Care
Lead Pharmacist - Cerner Pharmacy Education
Huntsville Hospital
cell: 504-214-7705
office: 256-265-9854


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