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6/3/24 PACU-1 Pyxis Device: Update to Profile Device in Critical Override Mode
May 28, 2024


On Monday, June 3rd at 7AM the PACU-1 Pyxis Medstation Device will be updated to operate as a Profile Device in Critical Override mode.  This is intentional as they become familiar with navigating a Profile device in this area.  Therefore, there will not be any need to report this as a device issue to BD when it is noticed it is in Critical Override status.


This also means that if all devices are placed in Critical Override Mode (either manually or by the system), upon system recovery we want to ensure this specific device is kept in Critical Override mode [along with GMT-1, currently].


If you have any questions/concerns about this  change, please feel free to reach out to me. Thank you.


Aaron B. Atkins, Pharm.D., BCPS
Clinical Pharmacist, Informatics Lead
Huntsville Hospital

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