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4/29/24 Continuous Albuterol: Verification Workflow
April 29, 2024

When verifying Continuous Albuterol treatments, please ensure that both the albuterol additive and the sodium chloride diluent have the “checkbox” selected next to each ingredient as seen in the following screenshot:


There is a new prompt for Pharmacists at verification of continuous albuterol to provide this instruction (screenshot included below).  Please note that the need to select the checkbox next to the additive ingredient is unique to Continuous Albuterol orders only.  We are working with Cerner to determine if there is a way to default this when the order crosses from Powerchart.  Please let me know if you have any questions on this in the meantime.  Thank you.



Aaron B. Atkins, Pharm.D., BCPS
Clinical Pharmacist, Informatics Lead
Huntsville Hospital


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