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2/15/24 Vecuronium Shortage
February 15, 2024

The following information is currently being emailed to the HH Medical Staff. If a patient is already receiving a vecuronium drip, you may continue with vecuronium for the time being.
Vecuronium is now on national backorder and we have limited stock available. Beginning immediately with all new orders, please use cis-atricurium for neuromuscular blocker continuous drips. If a vecuronium drip is ordered, a pharmacist will contact the prescriber to obtain an order for an alternative agent. 
We have a good supply of cis-atricurium, as well as rocuronium and the depolarizng NMB succinylcholine. 
Please reach out to me or the pharmacist in your area if you have questions. DAVID



David R. Collette, Pharm.D., FASHP, FALSHP
Operations Manager, Professional Services
Huntsville Hospital Department of Pharmacy
101 Sivley Road, Huntsville, AL 35801
Desk: (256) 265-6741; Cell: (256) 527-2560

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