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2/14/24 Deployment Update: UB 0
February 14, 2024

As mentioned in huddle yesterday, the newly created "UB 0" position will go live on Monday2/19/24. All affected patient lists, PPMs, and deployment documents will be updated by Monday morning. See details below.
  • The HH Main UB 0 PPM will include psych (3SEM, 3SM, 3SWM), 3NE, 3NW (HOTP/HOTR), Pain Center (TVPC), and Main ED.
    • The UB 0 ED order verification expectation is for Pod G patients only; it is not possible to separate out the various ED pods in the PPM so all pods will appear. 
  • ASCOM: 74258 will be kept in 8MST office.
  • Office location: 8MST pharmacy office
  • Sentri 7 & Interventions: Psych (3SE, 3SW, 3S), Pod G, 3NE/3NW
  • PKS Consults: Psych (3SE, 3SW, 3S), Pod G, 3NE/3NW
  • Code Coverage: Psych (3SE, 3SW, 3S), 3NE/3NW
  • Lunch Coverage Counterpart: OPM
  • NSS/Clinical Specialist Counterpart: CCU
Changes to other positions:
  • OPM to be Pain Center backup for order verification; OPM to cover lunch for UB 0
  • UB 2 is no longer responsible for 3NE
  • UB 7 is no longer responsible for 3NW
  • Central will remain as a backup for Psych
  • Q3 is no longer backup for Pain Center and no longer covers lunch for Pain Center
  • On Fridays, UB 1 is no longer backup for Pain Center
  • CCU Clinical Specialist is no longer responsible for PKS consults in Psych (3SE, 3SW, 3S)
  • ED Clinical Specialist is no longer responsible for PKS consults in Pod G
The future plan is to have the UB 0 as the collapsible 1st shift UB position, instead of the UB 4. Please stay tuned for the roll out of that plan in the near future. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


Brian Boyett, Pharm. D., BCPS
Supervisor, Pharmacy Professional Services
Huntsville Hospital
Office: 5-4522 | ASCOM: 7-4665

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