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2/5/24 LORazepam UPDATE
February 5, 2024

From: "David Collette" <>
To: "Pharmacy Department" <>
Sent: Thursday, February 1, 2024 3:25:54 PM
Subject: LORazepam UPDATE
Thanks to Brian Boyett for working on these changes in our LORazepam injection usage guidelines. We are still in a shortage situation (there is none to order at McKesson currently), but we feel that allowing some usage in 'comfort measures' situations will best serve these patients.
Based on our current stock of lorazepam and some clinical situations that have arisen over the last few weeks, we have decided to update the restrictions for the use of IV push lorazepam as follows:
  • Seizures
  • End-of-Life Comfort Measures (compassionate extubation, imminent end-of-life care): Please communicate with nursing staff and/or MDs about limiting use. MDs should switch patients to midazolam gtt per the Taper and Titration Guidelines if prolonged use is needed (ex. >4 doses or >24 hrs).
As always, this is guidance based on the best information we have. Please continue to use your clinical judgement as various clinical situations arise. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. 

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