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1/29/24 regular insulin (HumuLIN R) 100 units/mL 3 mL vial shortage
January 29, 2024

Regular insulin (HumuLIN R) 100 units/mL 3 mL vials (med ID 18792) are currently on backorder and it is likely that we will exhaust our supply in the next few days or so.


Once we exhaust our supply of 3 mL vials, we will use regular insulin (HumuLIN R) 100 units/mL 10 mL vials as a temporary substitute.


We will use the 3 mL and 10 mL vials interchangeably and will load the 10 mL vials into the same pocket and under the same med ID (18792) as the 3 mL vials.


When loading or refilling Pyxis, be sure to treat the 10 mL vials the same way as we have always treated the 3 mL vials. (enter a quantity of 1 for each vial and give them a 28 day room temp expiration)


Pyxis has been updated so that the barcode for the 3 mL and 10 mL vials will scan for the 3 mL vial med ID (18792).


Pyxis will continue to "think" that each vial contains 300 units/3 mL so we will get stock out notifications when this volume is consumed even though there should still be 700 units/7 mL remaining in the vial. In this situation, discard the old vial with remaining drug and replace it with a new 10 mL vial with a new 28 day expiration date.


Let me know if you have any questions.


Steven Higginbotham, Pharm.D.
Pharmacy Manager - Central Pharmacy Services
Huntsville Hospital Department of Pharmacy
Phone : (256)265-4535

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