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1/8/24 MAIN CAMPUS ONLY: Penicillin Allergy Clarification Team
January 8, 2024

From: "Trish Elder" <>
To: "Pharmacists" <>
Sent: Monday, January 8, 2024 12:23:09 PM
Subject: MAIN CAMPUS ONLY: Penicillin Allergy Clarification Team


Good afternoon pharmacists,




I hope you all had a great weekend! For those of you I haven’t met, my name is Trish Elder, I am a PGY-1 pharmacy resident and for my major project this year I am working with Madeline Belk and Jonathan Edwards on the coordination of the new pharmacy-led penicillin allergy clarification team. This team utilizes clinical technicians and Auburn pharmacy students to help clarify unknown penicillin allergies. The project will officially GO-LIVE today. I am attaching two documents that detail the new workflow for clarifying unknown penicillin allergies. The first document lists out the responsibilities for the clinical technicians/Auburn pharmacy students. Their initial training will be taking place over the next couple of days so UB pharmacists/Clinical Specialists will notice this new intervention popping up in their intervention tabs by the end of the week. The second document is detailing the responsibilities of the UB pharmacists/Clinical Specialists going forward. If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to call me (ASCOM: 74194) or email me.


Thank you,

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